Virtual Therapy
Hershey Counseling is happy to offer exceptional virtual therapy services, now and forever. Virtual therapy, also known as “telehealth,” is here to stay. Most major insurance companies offer this option under your behavioral health benefits.
What is Telehealth?
Telehealth is a virtual session with your therapist, using an electronic device of your choice. Hershey Counseling uses the platform Telehealth by SimplePractice. You can easily download the app for your phone or tablet, or if using a computer, you simply click the link that gets sent to your email and it opens in a web browser. Your session is the same length as if you were in person, and your therapist works in the same way as if you were meeting in person. Telehealth is a wonderful option for therapy that truly removes many barriers that one would have if doing the session in person.
The therapist you meet with is in a secure location using a HIPAA compliant platform to meet with you. You have the flexibility to meet wherever you feel is most comfortable, convenient, and private. This could be your bedroom, dining room, at work in your private office, anywhere you feel most comfortable. We just ask that you do not chose a location that is public, as we cannot guarantee the privacy and security on your end and would be required to reschedule the session.
Is telehealth right for you?
It all depends on what you want! Telehealth offers so much flexibility, that truly anyone can benefit from this way of meeting. At Hershey Counseling, we understand that you may desire to meet in person, so we will work to accommodate your needs. However, we treat both types of session exactly the same, and would deliver the same type of service either way. The therapeutic relationship is the number one factor in successful therapy, and we continue to confidently make those connections through our virtual sessions.